An updated version of the league by-laws is now available in the League Documents section of the site. All additions/updates have been highlighted throughout the document. Included below are some items of note.
In the Majors/Middle School Division, the distance from home plate to the pitching rubber is now 45'. All other field measurements remain the same.
For 5:15pm games, no inning shall begin after 6:40pm.
The minimum number of players that can start a game is eight (8). If a team starts a game with eight (8) players, that team must indicate which position in the batting lineup their ninth (9th) player would occupy as the team will incur an out each time that position comes up in the batting lineup.
***Registration for the 2023 season is now closed. If you are interested in signing up, please contact to be placed on the wait list. Once rosters are built, we will fill spots where needed from the wait list.***
Background Checks
Starting with the 2019 season, all coaches and individuals assisting with teams in the WTGSL must have an approved and active (non-expired) background check via Secure Volunteer. The cost of the background check is $14.45 and must be completed prior to participating in any team functions. Click the Secure Volunteer logo below to initiate your background check.
Note: Starting with the 2021 season, WTGSL will no longer accept background checks from other organizations, services, etc. All background checks must be processed through the league service.